Giorgia Meloni arrived around 11 a.m. at the Circus Maximus where the Fratelli d’Italia event, Atreju, is taking place. The premier was greeted by a standing ovation from the audience and chants of “Giorgia Giorgia”. Meloni concludes the 2024 edition, his speech began at about 12.35 p.m. by ironizing the controversy surrounding his sister Arianna: “Thanks to Arianna, who in the heat of having to place friends and relatives, found the time to organize Atreju”.
A very harsh intervention against the opposition, against the CGIL, against the “owls” who, from his point of view, cheer against the Italian system. In conclusion, Meloni also announced his resignation as president of the European Conservatives group and indicated Morawiecki as his successor: “I accepted when I was asked to extend the expiry of my mandate” as president of the Conservatives “but now that the elections have been held I want to say that I think I have fulfilled my task and therefore I want to announce that I am about to resign from the office of president of the European Conservatives”, ECR “deserves to have a president who takes care of it full-time, we will open candidacies and I assume that among them there will be Morawiecki: Mateusz this applause is the confirmation that we will support you in this battle”.
The prime minister spoke about the data of the Italian production system: “What the world sees today is an Italy that is running again and amazing. It is not only thanks to the government but also to the Italians who discover that politics can be an ally and not an adversary. We have done everything we can to make Italians believe in themselves again”.
Meloni to Atreju: “No pillory built to hit me, it takes away who you are”
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Two million jobs and 12 billion more in two years in the health sector
“In two years we have created almost a million more jobs. Berlusconi would be proud to know that of that million jobs of which he has made a flag, this government has done it in two years,” Meloni said. “I am not saying that everything is fine in Italy, that the positive results all depend on the government”, but “what we have always maintained has been demonstrated, namely that in Italy it is the right that defends workers because the left was too busy defending large economic concentrations”.
“With this government there is the highest allocation for health ever. The calculation is not difficult, it is even done without a calculator, which last time did not go well… The increase is 10 billion in the last two years. Before the arrival of this government, when there were those who now say that we do not spend enough, in the last 4 years the health fund had increased by 8 billion. With what face do they say we didn’t do well? You need the calculator. It is not even 10 billion but 12, because those of the cohesion agreements and 750 million euros from the revision of the Pnrr must be added”.
Despite the figures reported by Meloni, in 2023 about 4.5 million people in Italy gave up visits or health checks “due to economic problems, waiting lists or difficulty in access,” Istat documented. Compared to 2022, there is an increase of 7%.
The attack on the CGIL, Prodi and the secretary of the Democratic Party: “Schlein’s tongue jams when he has to say Stellantis”
“The truth is that Landini does not organize strikes to help workers but to help the left,” Meloni said addressing the issue of work “I – she adds – have great respect for the work of the unions and for trade union rights, but it is quite easy to distinguish truth from lies: to justify his incitement to a social revolt, with tones that have no precedent in the history of the Italian union, with tones that if we had used them the UN blue helmets would have arrived”.
“The secretary of the CGIL Maurizio Landini tells us that in Italy precariousness is increasing, that employment is decreasing and that the purchasing power of families is decreasing. Except that unfortunately the numbers say exactly the opposite”, he replies.
On Stellantis “we have no prejudices and we do not show favoritism: if the approach is constructive we will do our part, to defend workers we are always on the front line. We because the Democratic Party did not see it coming. Schlein’s tongue jams when he has to say the word Stellantis: or perhaps he is just caught up in other priorities such as the battle against the looming danger of fascism conducted with rap duets with Article 31 and dancing on gay pride allegorical floats. A partisan battle of such stature does not allow for distractions…”.
Meloni isolated in Europe? Thus the leader cites the criticisms of Schlein, Conte and even Prodi against the government’s attitude in Europe. To Prodi’s criticism “I opened a bottle of better wine and toasted my health. Every patriot must be proud to have” the criticisms of Romano Prodi, “gentlemen we are still on the right side of history. Several things done in its history, from the sell-out of the IRI and China’s entry into the WTO, show that obedience knows a lot…. But precisely for this reason we have made the diametrically opposite choice”, says the premier, “stop selling off your ideas”, you go ahead “with a straight back”. “The patter is over, let’s bring Italy’s voice to Europe strongly”, he concludes.
Giorgia Meloni: “The centers in Albania will work, if I were to go there every night”
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“The centers in Albania will work, if I were to go there every night”
“Have faith, the centers in Albania will work, if I were to pass by every night from now until the end of the Italian government, I want to fight the mafia and I ask the whole state to help me fight the mafia”. Thus Meloni on one of the hottest topics of the political debate. “The agreement with Albania, which they have called crazy, is now a school because the central point is the deterrence effect, landing outside the EU borders changes everything. And that’s why of all the initiatives put in place over the years, this protocol is the most feared among human traffickers and, stopping this initiative is the greatest favor we can do to criminals. Here there is a risk of a paradoxical short circuit – he continues – I wonder if those judges who have worked so hard with totally unreasonable sentences, have really questioned themselves about the consequences of their decisions. I am sure that the priority of the majority of magistrates is to fight every mafia, including that of the sea, but it is clear that, when we are not able to be effective, the only ones who have an advantage are criminal organizations”.
Meloni: “La compattezza della maggioranza garantisce la credibilità internazionale”
Apri contenuto
La protesta cantanti-attori efficace come Hollywood contro Trump
The leader of Fratelli d’Italia also referred to yesterday’s demonstration against the security bill: “We have done several things on the regulatory level. We give a big round of applause to our law enforcement agencies, we are always on their side. I am thinking of the much-maligned security bill that introduces new crimes and increases protection for law enforcement. I saw that against the bill there is a mobilization of singers, actors… it will be more or less as effective as Hollywood’s mobilization against Donald Trump.”
Pd, Lai: “1.2 billion euros taken away from Health, there is a lack of coverage for construction sites for the next two years”
“Today President Meloni said that the opposition, on Health, does not know how to use the calculator, because in addition to ordinary resources, the resources of the Cohesion Fund and the 750 million euros more of the Pnrr should also be added. Of the two, either the premier uses more instead of less in the calculator or the government has not told her that with the revision of the Pnrr, the resources to the Health Service have been taken away and for as much as 1.2 billion euros that were intended for the ‘safe hospital’ measure with a consequent cut of more than a third of community homes and interventions in hospitals. And I would add that this money has been covered by the hospital infrastructure fund and only from 2027, precisely with this Budget Law. So for the next two years the open and started construction sites are not covered. To find out that he is president, maybe they were afraid to tell you the truth”. This was written on social media by the Dem MP Silvio Lai, a member of the Budget Commission, recalling the report of the Court of Auditors.
Also deputy of the Democratic Party Marco Furfaro, leader of the Democratic Party group in the Social Affairs Committee, responds on the merits of his competence: “Giorgia Meloni is now out of touch with reality. He lives in a world of his own, the fabulous world of Ameloni and from the stage of Atreju, where everything is fine, poverty does not exist, waiting lists have disappeared by magic and industries gallop. The reality is quite different: absolute poverty record, health spending for the first time below 6% of GDP since 2027, twenty consecutive months of declining industrial production. And while millions of Italians give up care and minimum pensions, nurses are given tips of 1.8 euros and 7 euros a month, the government throws almost a billion euros out of the window to open centers in Albania converted into kennels for strays. With the same amount, Italy could have hired 6 thousand nurses or 7 thousand teachers and created up to 50 thousand new places in kindergartens”.
AVS, Bonelli: “Absolute poverty at record levels, salaries never so low since 1990”
“Giorgia Meloni is the prime minister who uses lies and propaganda as tools to deceive Italians. What high allocation is he talking about for health care if 2.5 million people give up treatment because they do not have the money considering the long waiting lists. What can I say that in the maneuver they have decided to increase the salaries of ministers by 3.5 thousand euros per month while the minimum pensions increase by 1.8 euros per month. 1 million employed with you? Another lie. In addition, the government of liars has brought wages to such low that they have reached pre-1990 levels while absolute poverty has reached a record level of 5.7 million people. Meloni is responsible for bringing public transport to its knees by allowing Salvini’s follies to steal 15 billion euros for the bridge over the strait.” Thus Angelo Bonelli, AVS parliamentarian and co-spokesperson of Green Europe. “Another lie arrives on the Albania protocol. The State will spend almost a billion on this structure: an amount that could have been invested in public health to reduce waiting lists”, concludes Bonelli.
Anm, Santalucia: “Da Meloni paternalismo di cui non c’è bisogno”
“Ho letto le dichiarazioni del presidente del Consiglio”, ha detto il presidente dell’Associazione Nazionale Magistrati riferendosi a Meloni quando ha detto che la riforma della Giustizia con la separazione delle carriere è un modo per tutelare la maggior parte dei magistrati, oltre che i cittadini, che non vogliono piegarsi all’affiliazione a correnti. “Credo che sia una forma di paternalismo di cui non avvertiamo il bisogno. I magistrati sanno governarsi autonomamente: il governo autonomo è tipico delle magistrature. Abbiamo bisogno di buone leggi di cui sapremo fare buon uso, non abbiamo bisogno che ci si liberi da qualcuno”.
“Un’assemblea partecipata come questa, e con magistrati giovanissimi che nessuno deve liberare perché nessuno ha catturato, è la prova che l’associazionismo è vitale e che abbiamo bisogno soltanto che il governo faccia la sua parte nella giustizia, sia in termini di risorse che di attenzione agli uffici. Noi la nostra parte la facciamo per intero”, ha aggiunto Santalucia.
Morawiecki: “Potrei andare da Trump come nuovo presidente di Ecr. La guida di Meloni spiana la strada alla nuova Ue”
“In questi tempi molto difficili, l’Europa ha bisogno di leader forti come Giorgia e lei è eccellente nel spianare la strada verso la nuova Europa. Voglio dire l’Europa, che comprende tutte le grandi sfide che ci circondano come il Green Deal e la relativa rilocalizzazione delle emissioni di carbonio, i posti di lavoro che vanno fuori dall’Europa, l’immigrazione illegale e cosa fare con tutto ciò. E anche la centralizzazione dei poteri a Bruxelles. Non può andare avanti all’infinito. Deve essere fermato”. Così l’ex primo ministro polacco Mateusz Morawiecki, sostenuto da Meloni come successore alla presidenza di Ecr, parlando con alcuni giornalisti italiani.
“Allo stesso tempo – ha sottolineato – dobbiamo essere in grado di cooperare con gli altri perché l’Europa è molto frammentata in questo momento. E Giorgia lo sta facendo in modo eccellente. Sotto la guida italiana l’Europa può andare in una direzione migliore e più luminosa”.
“Ciò che è successo negli Stati Uniti, l’arrivo del nuovo presidente – conclude – è per me un segno di buon senso. Sinistra o destra sono una cosa, ma avere buon senso è molto importante di questi tempi”.
“Potrei andare” alla cerimonia di insediamento di Trump, “ho un invito. Potrei andarci, sì. Ma subito dopo andrò all’Università di Harvard per una conferenza europea per tenere un discorso programmatico sulla situazione in Europa, sia” sulla situazione “di Russia e Ucraino”, ma anche sulla situazione “economica e finanziaria. Perché questo non va più così bene”, ha aggiunto.
Potrebbe andarci come presidente della festa di quest’anno? “Immagino che potrebbe accadere, ma formalmente ci vuole un po’ di tempo perché dobbiamo convocare una riunione del consiglio e ogni altra delegazione deve essere d’accordo. Qualsiasi novità vorrei che fosse condivisa e quando lo faremo formalizzeremo. Probabilmente a metà gennaio. Entro la metà di gennaio”, ha spiegato.